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1916 Ford Model T Roadster Racer For Sale in West Okoboji, IA

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1916 Model T Image
Okoboji Classic Cars
Call: 712-332-8029
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Red
Engine 2.9L I4
Transmission Automatic
Stock # 16F1
Estimated Monthly Payment
$383 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1916 Ford Model T Roadster Racer


This beautiful tribute to the early years of racing shows the primitive attempts to eek out even the tiniest amount of horsepower or the slightest tweak to gain an advantage over the competition. Innovations such as the dual carburetor set-up or the floor mounted throttle might give this car a huge advantage over the other racers. The only competition this car likely saw might have been an exposition race, but it is set up as it would have been during the bygone glory of local or sanctioned racing. This car preserves the excitement and grit experienced by those drivers and crews that built the sport into the multi-billion dollar racing industry we have today. For details not apparent in the attached pictures, call or email Grant Duhn at the contact information listed. Mileage stated in listing is not certified, odometer reading only. Contact Grant our sales manager for further assistance, 712-332-8029 Call TODAY!! or email ...We recommend, encourage and invite you to visit our facility to inspect your potential purchase, or to send a professional inspector or appraiser, of your choosing, in your stead.

· Mileage: 0
· Color: Red
Price: $22,000.
Mileage 0
Exterior Color Red
Engine 2.9L I4
Transmission Automatic
Stock # 16F1
VIN 12483229
Estimated Monthly Payment
$383 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Okoboji Classic Cars
Call: 712-332-8029
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
Okoboji Classic Cars
Call 712-332-8029
Mention when you call.

Price: $22,000.
Offered for sale by
Okoboji Classic Cars
Call 712-332-8029
Mention when you call.

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