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1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Conv "Ultra Rare 1 Of 68" For Sale in Roanoke, TX

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1957 Bel Air Convertible Image
Stock # 1275
Estimated Monthly Payment
$2,566 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Convertible 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air Conv "Ultra Rare 1 Of 68"


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Factory-type wheels, tires, and spinner hubcaps come with the car (the only modifications!)

Built in Janesville, WI
Drive-train:Original "EK" engine designation 283ci/283HP solid lifter
Ramjet fuel injectedFuel injection rebuilt Viton seals.
Original 3731539 heads, M56 Radiator, 6L28 Generator, #7014360 Fuel Injection system (which is the Early 1st generation fuel injection w/snowflake "winters" foundry mark on top of plenum unit), and a #3731548 block, exhaust manifolds are #3733976 RH and #3733975 LH, transmission is numbered #3845122 with date code 107
GM 3 speed manualStock 3 on the column configuration with a HD clutch
Rear differential #3725899 (equals open axle date coded L106 - Dec. 10, 1956). Stock brakes & stock suspension w/HD springs.
Interior: Correct Yellow & Silver upholstery
Period correct orange needle gaugesAM push button radio w/optional Wonder-bar radio
Electric clock, power top, heater & defroster, courtesy lights, glove box light, cigarette lighter, vanity mirror, & dash prism "trafficator
Exterior: Paint Colonial Cream, continental kit, chrome spinner hubcaps, dual rear mount antenna, wide white wall nylon bias ply square tires, E-Z eye tinted glass, cushion-air bumper guards, SS chrome package (trunk trim and door handle guards), dealer installed radiator bug screen.
Car comes with Factory original wheels and tires as wel as the Mounted Schott Front Custom 18 inch wheels and Schott Rear Custom 20 inch wheels.
The biggest auto news of 1957 was the introduction of "Ramjet" fuel injection manufactured by GM's Rochester carburetor division and developed by John Dolza, E.A. Kehoe, Donald Stoltman and Corvette chief engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov. It was optional equip- ment on the 1957 Corvette engines, and could also be had on V-8's powering any other Chevrolet car. The first Rochester fuel injection unit was #7014360. Very early units did not have the familiar black Rochester Products I.D. tag, and the unit number (serial) was stamped into the lower front of the plenum vertical face. Early plenums had the "Winters Snowflake" cast in the ribbed area of the plenum. Research shows that in very early 1957, production with the 4360-fuel injection unit used the 1957 Corvette-style air cleaner. The passenger car F.l. air cleaner was not available early in the 1957 production year." As a result, assembly line workers installed the Corvette-style chrome air cleaner to this already special convertible.
Purchased from an Automobile Museum
Full frame off restoration in 1999 costing over $100,000

Price: $147,500.
Stock # 1275
Estimated Monthly Payment
$2,566 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
Hot Rod Collection
Call: 802-468-7637
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Price: $147,500.
Offered for sale by
Hot Rod Collection
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