Recent Arrival! This Vehicle is brought to you through our WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC PROGRAM. These vehicles are listed at wholesale prices and are SOLD AS-IS, in trade-in condition with no warranties expressed or implied, and do not include a New Hampshire State Inspection Sticker. They are offered for a limited time only 14-21 days. These vehicles cannot be test driven, and must be towed off the lot. At the end of the day, what we want most is to see you happy in your new car. We figure it doesn't matter how nicely you're treated if you just can't find the car you want. The good news is that there are two dealerships in our family, making for one of the largest inventories in New Hampshire. With a selection like ours, we're very likely to see that happy face. Fully Loaded isn't optional; it's a standard of how we operate. From our accommodating test drives to our innovative pre-owned exchange policy and value pricing on every vehicle and full day Saturday service to long-term automotive pampering you've always dreamed of, at McFarland Ford you'll be glad you chose THE REAL DEAL.