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1998 Macgregor 26X For Sale in Omaha, NE

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1998 26X Image
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Stock # 19041
Estimated Monthly Payment
$244 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.

1998 Macgregor 26X


1998 MacGregor 26X Sailboat The 1998 MacGregor 26X sailboat is a versatile and capable vessel, perfect for both sailing and powering on the water. Known for its innovative design, it features a retractable keel and rudder, allowing it to navigate shallow waters and easily beach. With a spacious interior that accommodates up to six passengers, it offers comfortable seating and sleeping arrangements, complete with a galley and marine toilet. This sailboat is equipped with a reliable outboard motor, providing added flexibility for cruising or exploring remote destinations. Whether enjoying a day sail or embarking on an extended adventure, the MacGregor 26X combines convenience, performance, and comfort in one compact package. Sink with pressurized water, dual tires on the trailer, radio/GPS map, new sails, adjustable backstay, extra anchor/rope, and outside cushions. Located in Auburn, CA 95603For more information, please call 833-265-6113 and mention ID 19041

Price: $14,000.
Stock # 19041
VIN ID_2079970984
Estimated Monthly Payment
$244 mo Apply Now
J.J. Best Banc & Co.
The Registry, LLC
Call: 833-265-6113
Contact Seller: I would like to:
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

Price: $14,000.
Offered for sale by
The Registry, LLC
Call 833-265-6113
Mention when you call.

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