2017 Hyundai Santa FE Limited Ultimate 4DR SUV
*Tired of the GAMES and CRAZY FEES? Car not there when you arrive !? Waiting for hours only to be told you're not approved? Come to Payless Car Sales of South Amboy for a hassle free upfront FAST experience ** **Guaranteed Credit Approval !! Call 732-316-5555 or Apply NOW!!** *Whether you have good credit, bad credit, no credit or even in a bankruptcy or repossession we can help. Our goal is 100% guaranteed approval!! Call us at 732-316-5555 or come on in to our South Amboy, New Jersey showroom and one of our credit specialists will help you get the vehicle you deserve at a payment you can afford. Price(s) include(s) all costs to be paid by a consumer, except for licensingcosts, registration fees, and taxes. The advertised price does not include sales tax, title, DMV fees, finance charges, prep fee of $995 and documentation charge of $389. All financing subject to lender approval, rates and terms may vary. Any payments listed are an example and not an offer or guarantee or terms and are subject to lender assessment of credit,down payment and term. **any claims of NO ACCIDENT or ONE Owner are based report from AUTOCheck vehicle history report Prices subject to change at any time. Financing based upon prime lender approval While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this information, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages. Please verify any information in question with your sales representative. Any discount coupon cannot be combined with any advertised discount or offer; not redeemable for cash, cannot be applied towards prior purchases. Advertised prices reflects Dealer Discounts. Please confirm with dealer as to prior acquisition. *See Dealer for details. Call or visit with us to see what you qualify for. Visit dealer for most current information.

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